Our start :
The beginning of “GOLD ESTATE TURKEY” came from the heart of Turkey. In 2004, our real estate activities and construction were largely at the local level, but in recent years, we have increasingly focused on international real estate operations to meet the needs of our valuable clients everywhere Our extensive experience in the real estate and construction sector in Turkey, our qualified experts with diplomas in investment and real estate from Turkish universities, our official licenses from Turkish government authorities, our internal and external relationships… and many other factors have contributed to the rapid rise of “GOLD ESTATE TURKEY” to the top ranks in the Turkish real estate and construction market.
Today, at “GOLD ESTATE TURKEY,” we stand side by side with our valued customers from the very beginning. They typically start their projects by asking questions and conducting research, then continue with field visits to assess and price the property, providing consultancy and advice based on their work and analysis… because we speak your language Then, we progress together to complete the transaction, and afterward, we place our development and management services in their hands to ensure they reach their desired goals
In “GOLD ESTATE TURKEY,” all our transactions are conducted with official and documented contracts. Our financial system operates on an Islamic basis. We conduct our business with the reputation as our top priority because we are not chasing big commissions; we are chasing significant transactions. GOLD ESTATE TURKEY” company is your first reference and gateway, providing the easiest access to the best real estate in Turkey and the most powerful offers.
You can find fantastic opportunities to purchase the properties, farms, land plots, houses, and luxury villas you desire at competitive prices. Many of our services are offered at the most favorable prices, with the lowest costs and quickest methods, not only in beautiful and luxurious Turkish cities like Istanbul but also in other locations such as Sapanca, Izmit, Yalova, Sakarya, Alanya, and Antalya.